Monday, February 8, 2016

Group Projects: Sharecropping and its influence on Blues Music

Objective: Students will create a group project covering the material we have been covering for the past two weeks that answers the following question: What influence did the socioeconomic conditions of sharecropping African Americans have on the creation of Country Blues Music?
  • Socioeconomic- relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.
Warm Up:

T. read over and discuss guidelines. S. ask questions as necessary. S. break into groups of three.

Guided Practice:
1)    Read guidelines

2)    Review guidelines for projects.

3)    Small group, S. brainstorm ideas for their groups using encyclopedias and books from library

4)    Write down ideas for T. to review

5)    Groups continue research and create projects

6)    T. monitor groups and assist as necessary

Music History Group Project Guidelines and Rubric

The projects must contain:
1) A one page written report
2) Two Visuals – including a map of where the music took place
3) It must answer the question: How did conditions of sharecropping during the Jim Crow era have an effect on creating the Blues?
4) You must use at least two sources and tell what they were.


You will be graded on:
1) Answering the above question # 3. 33.3%
2) Neatness and creativity 33.3%
3) Did you follow the guidelines (completeness) 33.3%

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