Thursday, September 10, 2015

Scrapbook Guidelines:

After you have visited both stations and examined the artifacts, you will create a scrapbook to commemorate your journey and illustrate what you have learned about the socioeconomic conditions that led to the rise of the Country Blues.

The following elements should be included in your scrapbook:

• Map (from the opening part of the lesson)
• Historical Statement: Write a statement of about 200 words summarizing the economic conditions confronting southern African-Americans in the early part of the 20th century. Your statement should discuss the relationship among these economic conditions, racial attitudes in the South, and the Country Blues music of this time and place.

• Three Visuals: Collect three images of important artifacts drawn either from the lesson or independent research. These may be illustrations or photographs. Each visual must have a caption that identifies the subject and explains its significance.

• Three Blues Lyrics: Present at least one set of lyrics from each of the stations. These lyrics must be presented in a way that clearly and specifically connects them to specific places or images and/or to your historical statement.

Your scrapbook will be assessed based on

(1) 25% Depth of intellectual engagement;
(2) 25% Incorporation and sophistication of Blues lyric analysis; (3) 25% Selection of visual material;
(4) 25% Seriousness of effort to render a creative, visually compelling scrapbook.

Due Friday Sept. 18th

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